It's all about the song
“Supporting your Local Songwriting Group.”

Since Songwriting is so much of an introverted experience, often it is hard to get out of our own way. But as we are developing that is JUST what we have to do.
There are literally HUNDREDS of songwriters groups out there, from large organizations to small groups of people who get together and talk about the art and craft. They also do local writers nights, open mics and participate in the local scene.
It is where you find the more experienced writers, the “stars of tomorrow” today. It’s the “minor leagues” of Songwritng where you find your footing.
Personally I’ve been a member of NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International” for 30 years and if you get anything out of what I say, you owe them and their chapter workshops a big thank you.
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them.
But there are many more, and web sites like MUSIC STARTS HERE, OC9, JUST PLAIN FOLKS, SONGWRITER 101, Songramp, THE CHILI PEPPERS SONGWRITERS GROUP, writers nights like many host, and many many more are out there to help you on your journey.
If you want people to support YOU, YOU have to support them as well.
You don’t choose music,
Music chooses you.