It's all about the song
The Dreamed

We are Dreamed, everything you see, feel, experience, every song, season, each moment, falling in love, children, etc, is the glorious dream of the creator.
What seems like a lengthy life is but a flash, a change of scene in the great cosmic dream, and as we do ourselves dream, we realize that infinite dreams are melding with other dreams creating new ones in the endless expanse of awareness that pervades all that exists.
What a cool thing it is to be a songwriter who is trying to touch these realities in a 3 or 4 minute song, to make that his or hers life's work, every moment of everyday pondering the meaning of the great dream, having new revelations zooming in like star streams waking the songwriter up in the wee hours to quickly grab a guitar and brand the vision with words and melody before it gets away and disappears.
Songwriters are stalkers of the secret of the great Dream, always pushing into the unknown, wide-eyed, alert, ready to receive when the great spirit of everything creative comes to sit on the grasshoppers (neophyte's) shoulders; for what else can we do pilgrims, we will never know the true meaning of all this in a single blip of a lifetime.
This is reason to set the highest goals within yourself as high as you possibly can knowing you will never figure out the meaning of the dream, but living and acting like it is a possibility, giving your life over to the struggle of trying to explain it; and who would do this wild crazy thing, why only the poet of course, the songwriter, painter, artist, whatever !!, the Outlaw.
by Chris Gantry