It's all about the song

Going into to 6 week training as of today when I go into the ring mid-june to record a new record.
I still get the same tingles just as I did as a younger person at the prospect of new music. As any songwriter will tell you, making recordings of your work is always an adventure, a sort of trial by fire in order to get into uncharted waters.
Training for a man my age is a pre-requisite; just waking up is the first order of the day :) after that you show up in "Life's Gymnasium" to begin the arduous task of sculpting and refining.
As a professional artist told me yesterday who is involved in producing the material, he wants me to pull back a bit on my delivery and sing the songs from "the inside", or as he put it, "Lets make a recording you'd want to listen to if you woke up at 2.00 in the morning".
I told him I felt exactly the same way when I first listened to TIM HARDIN's music years and years ago before WOODSTOCK in 69'; Intimacy personified, here we go again.
by Chris Gantry