It's all about the song
Songwriting Inspiration

The gift of music only calls you to do your best, be honest, inspiring, and available to help others in their quest..
For younger songwriters it's usually about “Them", It was for me.
When your 22, on fire, feeling virile, invincible, and unconquerable, there's not much one can say to you to deter you from racing down egomaniac turnpike,.one must go through the worlds drubbings, trials and hardships that goes with ones delusional self before the true vision of freedom reveals itself.
For when one is on a continual self centered path regardless of how lustily driven and self assured they may appear, they are in bondage; bondage to the sound of their own thoughts and enamored with their reflection,..
If one survives heartbroken alley, perseveres the damn freezing hills of lost wanderings,.does not succumb to numbing wrenching endless defeats, but emerges on the other side of adversity with temperance and a soft heart for all they've endured, endured for the sake of being true to one's self and their art, that person understands their role in eternity and why they we're born into a world such as this.,!!