It's all about the song
Songwriting is inner expression by Chris Gantry

Writing is not a craft, it's the force of inner expression in the same way a painter pours out their vision through colors and brush,.there is no manual for expression.
It all comes down to honesty; "can I write with lucid honesty,.bare my soul not caring if commercialism tweaks it's critical brow,.not giving in to the pressures of peers, naysayers, and self appointed critics; have I opened the gates to my soul wide enough so all that pent up happiness, lust, rage, power hammer angst, comedy, despair and visionary apparatus can explode out of the bottleneck of mediocrity; can I put my pathetic ego aside to allow the spirits that have graciously chosen me as their conduit to impart their messages through me to fulfill the great calling; can I touch my pen to the paper unimpeded, letting the glorious flow of non stop heaven magic twirl its beauteous images in frothy colors out onto my pad without having to stop to ruminate or ponder". ??
It takes some a long time to trust one's own sensibilities,.. to Trust is to acknowledge that you have been given a gift and an unction to create,.ACCEPTING that in it's full sense, gives one the complete confidence to know that whatever they do or write, "is right",. buttressed by truth,.honesty,.integrity and passion
by Chris Gantry