It's all about the song
A little about Waylon Jennings

It would be less dignified of me ever to skirt the issue of Waylon Jennings,.
Waylon did not pussy foot around like someone who didn't think he was a blessed boy,.
As a young writer/singer in Nashville back in the time, I saw Waylon all the time,.usually with Tom Pall Glaser and Captain Midnight over at Mac's meat and three playing pinball till all hours of the night,.It was Gods shuffling of the holy cards at that time,. none of us knowing exactly what path we we're going to take,
.One thing we knew,..we did not want jobs like normal people,.we did not like sitting in a chair all day at a desk,.we did not like taking orders from people,.we did not like rules and regulations or dictates of any kind imposed on the lifestyle we we're born to live. If you we're a musician, then damn,.that was your life, and you'd better get cracking and work your ass off and make something of the talent that was bestowed on you by your maker,..he didn't give it to you to piss away, or keep it on the side as a hobby,.
Waylon did not put one scrap of life or some other sidebar over his gift,.he was the total embodiment of his gift in his looks, his music, and his attitude,..Waylon would not compromise his musical integrity one iota,.never would,.never did,.he was an inspiration to all of us in that he was bigger than the business,.bigger than fame and money, big that he called his own shots from beginning to end...
He changed the landscape of art, and is remembered and revered by all of us to this day..we all miss Waylon Jennings.
by Chris Gantry