Founded in 1895, the Music Publishers Association is the oldest music trade organization in the United States, fostering communication among publishers, dealers, music educators, and all ultimate users of music.
This non-profit association addresses itself to issues pertaining to every area of music publishing with an emphasis on the issues relevant to the publishers of print music for concert and educational purposes.
The MPA serves the industry through its presence at and cooperation with other organizations such as, the American Choral Directors Association, the American Music Center, the American Music Conference, the American Symphony Orchestra League, the Church Music Publishers Association, the International Confederation of Music Publishers, the International Federation of Serious Music Publishers, the Music Library Association, the Major Orchestra Librarians' Association, the National Association for Music Education, the National Orchestra Association, the Music Teachers National Association, and the Retail Print Music Dealers Association.
In addition, MPA members belong to and work cooperatively with the National Music Publisher's Association, the Harry Fox Agency and, the performance rights organizations: ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC.