Not yet published but feel driven to write music? This is the place to hone your skills and prepare your songs to be published!
-- Songwriting 101: Lyric and Song Structure basics
-- Songwriting 101: Melody and "the whistle test"
-- Songwriting 101: Co-writing and how to make it work
-- Copyright, Licensing, Recapture and Why They Matter
As a professional songwriter (or an heir), you need to protect your copyrights, pitch your catalog and collect on royalties. We can help.
-- SGA executes, issues, and tracks licenses in all media
-- Recapture: Let SGA Help You Regain Control of Your Copyrights
-- Collecting royalties on behalf of songwriters
-- SGA and Sound Healthcare© Partner to Offer Members Health and Insurance Opportunities
Our work in Washington on behalf of songwriters has resulted in increased royalty rates, tougher laws against piracy and education about the tough times faced by songwriters.
-- SGA Amicus Brief In "Raging Bull" Dispute
-- SGA Leading the Fight in Support of Small Claims Options for Songwriters
-- Fair Trade Music Project Speaks Out for Silenced Songwriters
-- SGA Protects Songwriters with Industry-Standard Song Contract