I've wanted to be a songwriter ever since the '70s when John Denver was popular. He's the one who inspired me the most in my late teens, in fact one of my first songs (that was any good) sounded just like him. It was called "Take Me Back to Alaska" and to this day I still sing it from time to time. I remember my friends "getting into it". And that's a good way to know if you're getting close or not on a song--it's the difference between people saying, "That's a good song," versus them saying, "Wow, that's a great song, man I really like that song!".
I’m currently the lead singer/songwriter in the 'hard dirt' Americana group PAWN SHOP SAINTS, and reside in the rural Berkshire hills...you know, where Arlo and Aaron Lewis live…I’ve written over 3500 songs that roam through all styles of music. My only co-write was with Jason Isbell when he tweeted the beginnings of a song as asked someone to finish it..I was the only one who did, which he thought was cool...the song is When The Ball Dropped
Currently I am touring and promoting my new EP, ...Bury Me In A Lonely Place
I guess I started out wanting to be a singer and piano player…when I was six I heard a family friend belting out “Summertime” from Porgy and Bess at a dinner party and I was hooked. I grew up writing poetry, drawing pictures, singing and playing piano and french horn. My first attempt at writing a song was in first grade with a couple girlfriends on the school bus. The same three of us used to make up songs to sing in church when we were teens later on, but I never took songwriting seriously until I met friends in college who were pursuing being singer/songwriters.
Born and raised in the Bible Belt, Jeremy grew as son of an Oklahoma carpenter turned preacher. His mother, a concert pianist, singer and teacher, encouraged his love of music at a very early age, traveling with his twin and younger sisters to any and all churches, senior citizen centers, nursing homes and retirement centers in Western Oklahoma to share songs and laughter.
I am a perspiring drummer, and aspiring songwriter. Years ago I was working with a member of Buck Owen's band (Terry Christoffersen) in a side project. This the guy who replaced Don Rich! Terry is a VERY talented Steel player, guitarist and vocalist too (I hate him) kidding...I was trying to pry a good story out of him one night, when I realized DUH, those are all BUCK'S SONGS he plays on... which is cool enough, but to write the songs... WOW! I started doing the math... the songwriter gets paid from every Cd sold, radio, downloads, ringtones etc.
Terry has played at the famous Bluebird Cafe thirty-plus times. Born and raised in a small mid Ohio town. Raised on southern cookin and southern lovin. Mom and Dad were from Tennessee and came north up that hillbilly highway looking for work. The roots of my raising run deep into the south. Not long after I was born we were back in Tennessee and then in Florida. But in the early 60's not much work was to be found south of the Mason-Dixon line, so back north we came. As far back as I can remember music was in my life. My Dad would sit around the house and strum an old guitar.
I remember my first appreciation for the power of music struck me on a Sunday evening at age 10 as I watched the Beatles performing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" on the Ed Sullivan show. The reaction from the audience I witnessed on that small black and white screen was a real eye (and ear) opener for me. Not many years after that I began teaching myself guitar and started to write songs. As I got older it was my love of a good story that converted me into a country songwriter.
My name's Wil and like some songwriters I really look good from far away,I married a saint, I have a dislocated wallet brought on by some serious brokness. I have patches on my heart, sometimes I feel like a Canary in a coal mine and the bottoms where I call home, and that's only the half of it. So it looks like I have a lot to draw on. Despite these deficiencies, I work well with others. If you like what you hear give me a holler. Thanks for listening.
My dad started me off in music at age 7 having me play his stand up bass along with my two brothers. For me it really was a stand up bass ( I had to stand up on the bed to play it! ) I`ve been playing in bands , everything from polkas to southern rock ever since. I didn`t start writing until I got stuck working an afternoon shift and couldn`t do the band thing anymore. Which goes to show you that there often is a silver lining to what may look like a bad situation. I live in N.E. Ohio , but I do come to Nashville occasionally. And I`m always looking for co writers.
I was born in Kingsport, Tennessee, about 20 miles to the west of Bristol Tennessee/Virginia, the “Birthplace of Country Music”. The Carter Family made their first recordings in Bristol.
I wrote my first song when I was 14. I wasn’t playing the guitar at the time but I could write the lyrics and sing the melody. The song was called “Saturday Night”. The singer proposes marriage to his sweetheart, who promises she will let him know her decision on “Saturday Night”. I don’t know if they got together, the song doesn’t say.